Exclusive Rhode Island Sailboat Charm
Exclusive Rhode Island Sailboat Charm
Our exclusive Rhode Island Sailboat Charm! This charm is a beautiful symbol for our beloved state of Rhode Island. It can be worn as a charm on one of our bangles, or as a small pendant on a chain. A portion of each pendant sale is donated directly to Save the Bay. Help Save the Bay keep Narraganset Bay beautiful!
UL style="LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none">Save The Bay protects, restores and improves the ecological health of the Narragansett Bay region, including its watershed and adjacent coastal waters, through an ecosystem-based approach to environmental action; defends the right of the public to use and enjoy the Bay and its surrounding waters; and fosters an ethic of environmental stewardship among people who live in or visit the Narragansett Bay region.
To find out more about Save the Bay and how you can help by donating or volunteering visit